Special Education Resources

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Digital Citizenship

If anything was ever posted or said about you (rather good or bad) on the internet, you can now consider yourself a lifetime member of the digital citizenship world forever or for the remaining of your lifetime. From my understanding and depending on what is being said or posted on the internet - rather true or false - could also be the determining factor if one even can get a job interviewed or not. So we can [all] safely assume that [all] potential employers are now looking at [all] digital portfolios before hiring potential candidate(s).

Now that you know and understand the ramification of what is being put on the internet "will" defiantly stick to you like a tattoo. It may also be good idea being extremely careful (from here on out) what you say or post on the internet - and at the same time - pay close attention to the stuff others are posting or saying about you. After all, it is your digital profile so protect it with your life.

On a positive note. The worldwide web or social media can be quite a useful and powerful tool - if strategically plan right - for those interested in networking, gaining exposure, and to collaborate and work with other influential professionals toward a common goal(s). By attempting to reach out to potential employers/business partners via LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook - just to name but a few social media outlets out there - allows others to see if you are a potential match for their company and could hopefully help single out your resume from the other stack of job applicants you are competing with.

What is your perspective on this matter?


  1. Enoch,
    I agree completely with your understandings that regardless of true or false that what is posted upon the internet can be a determining factor in our employment now. Do you think that the positives of our interconnectedness outweigh that of the negatives (Our being judged on decisions we make as minors)?
    It's hard to expect children to be diligent and mindful of the words they type or things they take pictures of. It is truly a dawn of a new era in terms of what we are expected to keep track of and monitor.

  2. “[Enoch,] do you think that the positives of our interconnectedness outweigh that of the negatives (Our being judged on decisions we make as minors)?” 
-- Bryan Dale


    That is a good question. I don’t know. It probably depends on how high profile/and or political the company is the person is trying to get hired on at. And how controversial or damaging the material or images posted on the web is, regardless of the person’s age or who posted what concerning them.
