Special Education Resources

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Animoto: An educator or student tool for slideshow presentations

What is Animoto and how does it work

Animoto came out with this easy to use tool anyone can use including admin, educators, and students, for creating slideshow presentations - free of charge - but with restrictions. There are more advanced paid versions if you decide something more advanced fits your taste. Animoto combine static photos, words, audio clips, videos and music to create slideshow presentations or you can upload your own material. After you are done you can share them with whomever you like or you can post them on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and emails; you can even create a CD or DVD.

How can educators and students use Animoto in classrooms

For class presentations. Students can create individual or group projects. They can pull photos and video clips from Picasa, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Picasa, or they can use other social media outlets. You can upload from your personal computer files and add text and music or you can choose from any of Animoto’s 600 plus tracks. The choice is really up to you; there is no limit how creative one can get.

Why is Animoto a great tool for educators and students

Animoto is a fun activity for educators and students of all ages. Educators can use Animoto to facilitate projects and have students work in small groups or by themselves to demonstrate understanding of content. When it comes to Animoto there is no limit to how creative one can get.

Are there any significant drawbacks or limitations

o   You can only create 30-second videos that come with free subscription

o   You have to pay for more advance options
Does Animoto require email address from educators and students

o   Email address are not required unless you want to volunteer information

o   All personal identifiable information is kept secure

o   You have the option to permanently delete your account at any time

Edris short video example:


1 comment:

  1. You can find out about Animoto's free educator account here: http://animoto.com/education/classroom
